Our expert moderation process.

Expert moderation
Our expert moderation team monitors and manages your products Ratings & Reviews and/or Q&A to ensure accuracy and quality.

Moderation is a content quality assurance process that ensures appropriate standards and relevance, andremoves unsuitable or offensive content.

When others are talking about your brand online we’ll make sure it’s in the best possible light.

Expert moderation is used as a way to monitor or review customers’ comments and ratings before they are published. Posts might be returned to the author with an attached message explaining the reason for non- posting.

You maintain complete ownership of the data that can be sent to your nightly. All of the posts are archived and are available to you anytime. You own all your rating & review and Question and Answer content. You are always in control.

  • We help establish the credibility of your site and your brand
  • We support your Customer Service, we communicate with them to resolve any negative feedbacks and publish updates
  • We tag your reviews - This will help both the visitors to your site and the search engines
Rating System is the ideal partner to help you manage your online rating and reviews. More features »